Centralized Printfil installation on peer-to-peer networks

A peer-to-peer network is a group of 2 or more computers, each of which acts as a node for sharing files within the group.

This simple network infrastructure is often used to run a DOS program from several networked machines, having the data centralized in one of them which acts as a "server".

It's different from real Client-Server networks, like Windows Terminal Servers, explained in this other article, but even in this configuration, Printfil is fully installed only on the "server" (like the DOS program), and upgrading to new versions in future is easy.


  • We've previously installed Printfil on the computer that acts as a "server" on the network (the same computer that stores even the DOS program), by using the standard setup-pf.exe program
  • We've shared the "server" 's disk so that the "client" machines can access it from the network (like the DOS program)
  • For simplicity in this sample we shared the entire C: disk, but for security reasons, it would be better to share only the directories containing Printfil and the DOS program (with read and write permissions)

Let's go:

  • Run the Printfil.exe program from the server shared folder
  • The Network Client Installation starts automatically

That's all. Now:

  • Run your DOS program from the server shared folder
  • Print from DOS to LPT1:
  • Printfil captures the print
  • and sends it to any Windows printer (including network printers)

Next time you'll reboot the client machine, Printfil will start automatically from the server and you'll have only to run your DOS program, as usual.

If you've questions, you can comment the Facebook video or the YouTube one in this page, or you can contact us at https://www.printfil.com/esupp.htm

Other articles and videos about DOS printing in Windows

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