Two methods to capture LPT1: even if it's physically present

In a previous video, we've seen how to print from DOS PRN, LPT1: to Windows printers.

However, newer Windows versions may refuse to capture LPT1: if it's physically present in the hardware.

In this video, we see 2 possible solutions to that problem.

The Problem: Capturing a physical LPT1 fails:

  • Capture the DOS LPT1: port
  • Error: LPT1 is physically present

1st Solution: Run Printfil as Administrator:

  • Close Printfil and run it as Administrator
  • Capture LPT1: again
  • No errors
  • Print from DOS to LPT1:

2nd Solution: Disable the hardware LPT1 port:

  • Close Printfil and run DevMgMt.msc
  • Disable the parallel port (LPT1:)
  • Run Printfil as normal user and capture LPT1
  • It works well

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